

2020/4/1 16:10:29


母亲节来历英文版简短 关于母亲节的由来英文版

母亲节来历英文版简短 关于母亲节的由来英文版

Mother's Day tradition originated in ancient Greece. In January 8th this day, the ancient Greeks to pay tribute to the mother of the Greek gods rhea. In ancient Rome, the scale of these activities becomes bigger, to celebrate the grand often lasted for three days. The ancient people of the goddess worship is only a superstition, is not the same with people today respect of motherhood.


母亲节来历英文版简短 关于母亲节的由来英文版

In the U.S. Mothers' Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers. First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.

Although it wasn't celebrated in the U.S. until 1907, there were days honoring mothers even in the days of ancient Greece. In those days, however, it was Rhea, the Mother of the gods that was given honor.

Later, in the 1600's, in England there was an annual observance called "Mothering Sunday." It was celebrated during June, on the fourth Sunday. On Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.

In the U.S., in 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. The next year Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother's Day. They were successful. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day a national observance that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

Many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, as in the U.S.



在美国,人们在五月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。在这一天,孩子们把卡片,礼物和鲜花献给他们的母亲。第一次庆祝母亲节是发生在1907 年的费城,是由朱莉娅瓦德豪和安妮塔贾威斯分别在 1872 年和 1907 年提议设立的。

虽然美国直到 1907 年才庆祝母亲节,但是尊敬母亲的节日甚至可以追溯到古希腊。尽管那时人们是庆祝上帝的母亲罗伊的。

后来, 在17世纪初的英格兰,人们有一个惯例,就是在每年六月的第四个星期天庆祝“省亲节”。在省亲节那一天, 通常与雇主住在一起的仆人了, 被劝说回家和他们的母亲团聚。按照惯例,他们要带一块特殊的蛋糕回家庆祝。

在美国, 1907年有一个来自费城的叫阿纳贾维斯的人,发起了一场建立全国的母亲节的运动。在西弗吉尼亚的格拉夫顿,贾维斯说服了她母亲的教堂,在她母亲去世2周年的纪念日那一天庆祝母亲节,即五月的第二个星期天。下一年费城也庆祝了母亲节。





Thank you for everything over the years, mom。


Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor。


Mother's Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepar e breakfast。


Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother's Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death。


We would love to fix breakfast for you mom, but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out。


This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children。


When I was sick, you always stood by me。


This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you 。


Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother's Day is especially for you。


We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do。


Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother's Day。


This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother's Day。


Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother's Day。


We will try to make this your best Mother's Day ever。


On this day we honor you, dear mother。


Where would we be without you, mom?


On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us。




母亲节的由来英文版 母亲节的来历英文介绍


Mother"s Day was first suggested in the United States in 1872 by Julia WardHowe as a day dedicated to peace. A campaign to establish a National Mother"sDay was begun in 1907. It was successful, by 1911 Mother"s Day was celebrated inalmost every state in recognition of the influence mothers have in the making ofbetter citizens.


In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed that the birthday of Mrs. AnnaReeves Jarvis, the "mother of Mother"s Day", would become the National Mother"sDay of the United States. And that from then on, the second Sunday in May wouldbe Mother"s Day in memory of the work Mrs. Jarvis had done to bring familiestogether after the Civil war, her work to bring the whole North and Southtogether, her work to honor all the mothers of America throughout history and oninto the future, but most of all to honor Mrs. Anna Reeves Jarvis as America"sNational Mother. President Wilson asked that the American people fly the UnitedStates flag from public buildings and homes on that day as he said, as a publicexpression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.


Well, what value is Mother"s Day now? As the Congress said in 1914, itreminds people of the influence mothers have had in the making of bettercitizens. Jarvis was one such mother. On Mother"s Day much attention is given tothe important part that each mother plays in giving her children a sense of whatis right and what is wrong, what is good behavior and what is bad.


If the observances of Mother"s Day can even in a small way remind mothersof this, then this day will help both the families and the whole country.



China: the second Sunday in May, will use the cards and carnations toexpress love,


Also it is suggested to express the nepenthes


Norway: mother's day on the second Sunday of February.


Argentina: will celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of October.


Lebanon: celebrate Mother's day on the first day of spring.


South Africa: mother's Day is on the first Sunday of May.


Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia Serbia known as mother's day in Materice, two weeksbefore the annual Christmas celebration. Custom of celebration: the children inthe mother's day morning into mother's room, the mother tied to a bed, themother woke up to find himself being tie one's hands behind his back, he beggedthe children let her go, small gifts and in her hidden under the pillow asexchange.


Spain and Portugal in the mother's day has close relationship with thechurch. December 8th is the day in honor of the virgin Maria, but also thechildren express love for mothers day.


Sweden on the last Sunday of May to celebrate Mother's day. On the eve ofmother's day, the Swedish Red Cross will hold plastic mother flower auction,sale proceeds will be sponsoring fathered many children mother holidayfunds.

巴拿马:也叫圣灵怀胎的日,大意是为了让巴拿马人重视家庭,敬重母亲,所以在1924年5月11日,巴拿马第一个母亲节,1930年改为12月8日, do aHercilia deArosemena第一夫人所签定,但这只是这个网上的消息,不知是否准确,当时很多商号也响应了母亲节给母亲打折,并定为国定假日,非常有意义的节日。

Panama: also called the Immaculate Conception of the day, it is to letpeople pay attention to the family, respect for the mother, so in May 11, 1924,Panama the first mother's day, 1930 to December 8th, the do a Hercilia deArosemena the first lady has signed, but this is just the online news, I do notknow whether accurate, at a time when many firms also responded to the motherfestival to mother discount, and a national holiday, very meaningfulholiday.


Egypt: every last Friday of March is mother's day in egypt. This day, youngpeople across the country will give mother give flowers and gifts, for mothersconcerts and cultural performances, and selected the best mother country.


India: April 5th each year is the mother of India. This day, who gave birthto the child's mother must wear a riot of colours sari, wearing fine jewelry,your entertainment to public places, in order to show mothers style.


Non: every year in May 29th, the Central African Republic to grandChongqing celebrate the traditional festival of the mother. That day, mothersdressed in costumes, the embrace of the children held a grand parade in thecapital city of Bangui. Heads of state and government officials to take part intheir holiday activities, the festival more grand and warm.


France: France's May 29th annual mother's day, on this day, all mothersaround the world with pleasure to accept children "happy holiday" the goodwishes. France is the first time to celebrate Mother's day in 1928, the thenFrench President issued a decree to this end: mother's day an official nationalholiday. The Frenchman's mother's Day is more like a family birthday party.French mother's day on the last Sunday in May, the whole family together fordinner, after the dinner out one and as a mother.


Thailand: August 12th each year is the mother of Thailand festival. Duringthe festival, the most meaningful activity is "excellent mother", then, thedaughter of tens of thousands of handheld white jasmine flowers as "the motherof flowers" presented to the mother, to express their gratitude.


Japan: each year on the second Sunday of May is mother's day in japan. InJapan, this festival full of miss atmosphere. To show respect for the mother, togive Kang Naixin.


Canada: the second Sunday of May every year as the "mother's day". On thisday, the family members in addition to Mother gifts, and to do all sorts ofthings to make mother happy, to show their love.


Switzerland: every year in January 1st to four as "women in power day". Inthis four days, families headed by women all the power, men willing to listen tothe mercy, to show respect for women.


Greece: each January 8th is the British snooker Laixi town "women'stakeover day". This day, the women took over the leadership of the town, whilemen will replace them do housework at home. In Greece, the very next day everyyear on New Year's Eve, "housewife rest days", the women left the housework, toidle away in seeking pleasure.


Germany: in the annual carnival, another women's special activities --"women's day". This day, the women rushed into the town hall, broke into theoffice, sit on the desk, that women take over political power. August is Hamburg"Lady day", the festival, the troupe respectively by women's organizations inthe city houses theatre, program content is equality between men and women.


English: England to express the mothers of respect, but order Mid-Lent(refers to Easter Eve, except on Sunday forty days) for the fourth Sunday of"MotheringSunday", on this day people go home to visit parents, sincerely andpay tribute. At that time, many of the poor to be rich when the home helpers,and was forced to leave home and live in his home, on this day, owners will puttheir false, and encourage them to return home with his mother.


Mexico: December 12th every year is Mexico's "day", to commemorate akind-hearted, ready to save virgin. On this day, people dressed in nationalcostumes, hold high the banner of the Madonna, with the old man leading thesinging and dancing.


Mother's Day: Although all over the world, many countries are in differentseasons in the year to celebrate their own mother's day. However, most of theworld's countries such as China, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia andBelgium, which also celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of May.



38妇女节的由来 国际妇女节的由来英文版

38妇女节的由来 国际妇女节的由来英文版

The first International Women’s Day

1869年,约翰密尔(John Stuart Mill)是第一个在国会上提出妇女应该有选举的权利。1893年9月13号,新西兰成为世界上第一个妇女拥有表决权的国家。很长一段时间里,其他很多国家的妇女们并不能够享受到这种公平和参加选举的权利。

In 1869 British MP John Stuart Mill was the first person in Parliament to call for women’s right to vote. On 19 September 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. Women in other countries did not enjoy this equality and campaigned for justice for many years.



In 1910 a second International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen. A woman named Clara Zetkin (Leader of the ‘Women’s Office’ for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) tabled the idea of an International Women’s Day. She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day - a Women’s Day - to press for their demands. The conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, representing unions, socialist parties, working women’s clubs, and including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament, greeted Zetkin’s suggestion with unanimous approval and thus International Women’s Day was the result.


The very first International Women’s Day was launched the following year by Clara Zetkin on 19 March (not 8 March). The date was chosen because on 19 March in the year of the 1848 revolution, the Prussian king recognized for the first time the strength of the armed people and gave way before the threat of a proletarian uprising. Among the many promise he made, which he later failed to keep, was the introduction of votes for women.

38妇女节的由来 国际妇女节的由来英文版




Plans for the first International Women’s Day demonstration were spread by word of mouth and in the press. During the week before International Women’s Day two journals appeared: The Vote for Women in Germany and Women’s Day in Austria. Various articles were devoted to International Women’s Day: ‘Women and Parliament’, ‘The Working Women and Municipal Affairs’, ‘What Has the Housewife got to do with Politics?’, etc. The articles thoroughly analyzed the question of the equality of women in the government and in society. All articles emphasized the same point that it was absolutely necessary to make parliament more democratic by extending the franchise to women.


Success of the first International Women’s Day in 1911 exceeded all expectation.Meetings were organized everywhere in small towns and even the villages halls were packed so full that male workers were asked to give up their places for women.

Men stayed at home with their children for a change, and their wives, the captive housewives, went to meetings.


During the largest street demonstration of 30,000 women, the police decided to remove the demonstrators’ banners so the women workers made a stand. In the scuffle that followed, bloodshed was averted only with the help of the socialist deputies in Parliament.


In 1913 International Women’s Day was transferred to 8 March and this day has remained the global date for International Wommen’s Day ever since.


During International Women’s Year in 1975, IWD was given official recognition by the United Nations and was taken up by many governments. International Women’s Day is marked by a national holiday in China, Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

38妇女节的由来 国际妇女节的由来英文版




















感恩节祝福语英文版 感恩节祝福你幸福快乐

感恩节祝福语英文版 感恩节祝福你幸福快乐


thanksgiving day let me how to thank you, when i move toward you, i would like to harvest trace of the original spring, you izvestia my entire spring.

感恩节 感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友!

thanksgiving day thank so rather say, a word, you are my lifelong friends and friends!

感恩节 你的帮助无异于雪中送炭,让我感激涕零!

thanksgiving day your help would be timely help, i feel grateful!

感恩节 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!

thanksgiving day who statement inch grass heart, reported in the apartments!

感恩节 滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。

thanksgiving day drips of tu, does yongquan phase when i reported.

感恩节 “患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我度过难关!

thanksgiving day "adversity shows insight," thank you help me tide over their difficulties!

It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.


Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.


I wouldn't want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else.



Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.


This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.


Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.


Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.


Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.


I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.


I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.


I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.


Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving!


Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!













万圣节快乐英语怎么说 万圣节祝福语大全英文版

万圣节快乐英语怎么说:Happy Halloween 万圣节快乐


Halloween 万圣节前夜(10月31日)

Hallowmas万圣节( 11月1 日)

例句:Happy Halloween! Thank you.


Happy Halloween! Welcome to my haunted house party.


You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for somespooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have ahowling Halloween!



1.Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!

2.Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

3.My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you myfriend!

4.It’s hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you! 5.Hope yourHalloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine.

6.Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!

7.Thank you for making my Halloween so special.

8.Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

9.Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowingas you are!

10.It’s Halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all thefun! Hope it‘s lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!

11. Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

12. Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!

13. Thank you for making my Halloween so special.

14. Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

15. Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright andglowing as you are!

16. My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you...my friend!

17. It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you!

18. Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.

19.You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for somespooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have ahowling Halloween!

20.Dark castle, wearing old moon roof, bat wings and cut through the night …this time the doorbell loud, do not be afraid, ready your candy, or child careto mischief night Oh!


KnockKnock, Trick or treat, Who are you? I 'm a ghost. I'm a littleghost.


Knock Knock ,Trick or treat, Who are you? I'm a cowboy. I'm a littlecowboy.


Knock Knock, Trick or treat ,Who are you ?I'm a witch. I'm a littlewitch.


Knock Knock ,Trick or treat, Who are you? I'm a monster. I'm a littlemonster.


Knock Knock, Trick or treat, Who are you? I'm a ballerina. A littleballerina.


Knock Knock, Trick or treat, Who are you? I'm a pirate. I'm a littlepirate.


Knock Knock,Trick or treat. Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween.


Five Little Pumpkin sitting on a gate.


The first one said, "Oh, my, it's getting late!".


the second one said , "there are witches in the air!".


the third one said, "but we don't care!".


the fourth one said, "let's run and run and run!".


the fifth one said , "I'm ready for the fun!" .


Ooooh, with the wind and out with the light. And the five little Pumpkinrolled out of the sigh.




万圣节的英文简介 万圣节的由来英文版



万圣节快乐英文:Happy Halloween!


Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloweenbegins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered togetherand ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believein ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part ofHalloween.


The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbolfor night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o’-lantern is ahollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placedinside, giving the face a spooky glow.


Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs,especially among children. According to tradition, people would dress up incostumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spiritsaway.


Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood),ghosts (spirits of the dead) and werewolves (people that turn into wolves whenthe moon is full).


Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from houseto house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they don'tget any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of thehouse.


The tradition of the Jack o' Lantern comes from a folktale about a man namedJack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern. The Jacko' Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which iscarved to look like a face.


There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween. A superstitionis an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!


Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts andvampires. These creatures are not part of the natural world. They don't reallyexist... or do they?


Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magicalpowers. They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks.


Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations. A bad omen is somethingthat is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.



The legend of the origin of Halloween, there are many versions, the mostcommon view, that is before the birth of Christ from the Medieval Western Europecountries, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This person called several ofthe Medieval Western Europe Druitt people. Druitt in the November 1 New Year,New Year's Eve, young people who set druid team, wearing all kinds of weirdmask, carrying a carved radish good light (the late custom pumpkin light system,Medieval Western Europe first there is no pumpkin), they walk in the villagesbetween. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be"Halloween", the legend who died that year, the eve of Halloween spirit willvisit the world, said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost that theghost of a successful harvest and to render a hearty welcome. All fire andlights, the one to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line,to guide their return.

Central Europe in the Middle Ages, there had been destroyed by the paganhistory of Christianity. However, before the ritual celebration of New Year'sEve never really eliminated, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we areHalloween, but are also left witches broom, black cat, spells and othermarks.

