

    母亲节   英文   英文版
《母亲节的由来英文版 母亲节的来历英文介绍》



母亲节的由来英文版 母亲节的来历英文介绍


Mothers Day was first suggested in the United States in 1872 by Julia WardHowe as a day dedicated to peace. A campaign to establish a National MothersDay was begun in 1907. It was successful, by 1911 Mothers Day was celebrated inalmost every state in recognition of the influence mothers have in the making ofbetter citizens.


In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed that the birthday of Mrs. AnnaReeves Jarvis, the mother of Mothers Day, would become the National MothersDay of the United States. And that from then on, the second Sunday in May wouldbe Mothers Day in memory of the work Mrs. Jarvis had done to bring familiestogether after the Civil war, her work to bring the whole North and Southtogether, her work to honor all the mothers of America throughout history and oninto the future, but most of all to honor Mrs. Anna Reeves Jarvis as AmericasNational Mother. President Wilson asked that the American people fly the UnitedStates flag from public buildings and homes on that day as he said, as a publicexpression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.


Well, what value is Mothers Day now? As the Congress said in 1914, itreminds people of the influence mothers have had in the making of bettercitizens. Jarvis was one such mother. On Mothers Day much attention is given tothe important part that each mother plays in giving her children a sense of whatis right and what is wrong, what is good behavior and what is bad.


If the observances of Mothers Day can even in a small way remind mothersof this, then this day will help both the families and the whole country.



China: the second Sunday in May, will use the cards and carnations toexpress love,


Also it is suggested to express the nepenthes


Norway: mother's day on the second Sunday of February.


Argentina: will celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of October.


Lebanon: celebrate Mother's day on the first day of spring.


South Africa: mother's Day is on the first Sunday of May.


Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia Serbia known as mother's day in Materice, two weeksbefore the annual Christmas celebration. Custom of celebration: the children inthe mother's day morning into mother's room, the mother tied to a bed, themother woke up to find himself being tie one's hands behind his back, he beggedthe children let her go, small gifts and in her hidden under the pillow asexchange.


Spain and Portugal in the mother's day has close relationship with thechurch. December 8th is the day in honor of the virgin Maria, but also thechildren express love for mothers day.


Sweden on the last Sunday of May to celebrate Mother's day. On the eve ofmother's day, the Swedish Red Cross will hold plastic mother flower auction,sale proceeds will be sponsoring fathered many children mother holidayfunds.

巴拿马:也叫圣灵怀胎的日,大意是为了让巴拿马人重视家庭,敬重母亲,所以在1924年5月11日,巴拿马第一个母亲节,1930年改为12月8日, do aHercilia deArosemena第一夫人所签定,但这只是这个网上的消息,不知是否准确,当时很多商号也响应了母亲节给母亲打折,并定为国定假日,非常有意义的节日。

Panama: also called the Immaculate Conception of the day, it is to letpeople pay attention to the family, respect for the mother, so in May 11, 1924,Panama the first mother's day, 1930 to December 8th, the do a Hercilia deArosemena the first lady has signed, but this is just the online news, I do notknow whether accurate, at a time when many firms also responded to the motherfestival to mother discount, and a national holiday, very meaningfulholiday.


Egypt: every last Friday of March is mother's day in egypt. This day, youngpeople across the country will give mother give flowers and gifts, for mothersconcerts and cultural performances, and selected the best mother country.


India: April 5th each year is the mother of India. This day, who gave birthto the child's mother must wear a riot of colours sari, wearing fine jewelry,your entertainment to public places, in order to show mothers style.


Non: every year in May 29th, the Central African Republic to grandChongqing celebrate the traditional festival of the mother. That day, mothersdressed in costumes, the embrace of the children held a grand parade in thecapital city of Bangui. Heads of state and government officials to take part intheir holiday activities, the festival more grand and warm.


France: France's May 29th annual mother's day, on this day, all mothersaround the world with pleasure to accept children happy holiday the goodwishes. France is the first time to celebrate Mother's day in 1928, the thenFrench President issued a decree to this end: mother's day an official nationalholiday. The Frenchman's mother's Day is more like a family birthday party.French mother's day on the last Sunday in May, the whole family together fordinner, after the dinner out one and as a mother.


Thailand: August 12th each year is the mother of Thailand festival. Duringthe festival, the most meaningful activity is excellent mother, then, thedaughter of tens of thousands of handheld white jasmine flowers as the motherof flowers presented to the mother, to express their gratitude.


Japan: each year on the second Sunday of May is mother's day in japan. InJapan, this festival full of miss atmosphere. To show respect for the mother, togive Kang Naixin.


Canada: the second Sunday of May every year as the mother's day. On thisday, the family members in addition to Mother gifts, and to do all sorts ofthings to make mother happy, to show their love.


Switzerland: every year in January 1st to four as women in power day. Inthis four days, families headed by women all the power, men willing to listen tothe mercy, to show respect for women.


Greece: each January 8th is the British snooker Laixi town women'stakeover day. This day, the women took over the leadership of the town, whilemen will replace them do housework at home. In Greece, the very next day everyyear on New Year's Eve, housewife rest days, the women left the housework, toidle away in seeking pleasure.


Germany: in the annual carnival, another women's special activities --women's day. This day, the women rushed into the town hall, broke into theoffice, sit on the desk, that women take over political power. August is HamburgLady day, the festival, the troupe respectively by women's organizations inthe city houses theatre, program content is equality between men and women.


English: England to express the mothers of respect, but order Mid-Lent(refers to Easter Eve, except on Sunday forty days) for the fourth Sunday ofMotheringSunday, on this day people go home to visit parents, sincerely andpay tribute. At that time, many of the poor to be rich when the home helpers,and was forced to leave home and live in his home, on this day, owners will puttheir false, and encourage them to return home with his mother.


Mexico: December 12th every year is Mexico's day, to commemorate akind-hearted, ready to save virgin. On this day, people dressed in nationalcostumes, hold high the banner of the Madonna, with the old man leading thesinging and dancing.


Mother's Day: Although all over the world, many countries are in differentseasons in the year to celebrate their own mother's day. However, most of theworld's countries such as China, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia andBelgium, which also celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of May.